15th Panhellenic Conference of Lawyers of Legal Services

We are thrilled to reflect on our recent participation in the prestigious 15th Panhellenic Conference of Lawyers of Legal Services. We had the opportunity to hold a workshop on the intriguing and forward-thinking topic of “Predictive Analytics in Law.” The packed room was a testament to the intense interest this subject commands in the legal community.

Guided by the insights of our four distinguished panellists, Nikos Koritsas, Kostas Argyropoulos, Vasilis Tsolis and Panos Karachalios, the workshop delved into the transformative potential of predictive analytics in law and discussed the ethical concerns of the technology. Our panellists sparked an engaging dialogue on how this innovative field can redefine legal practices.

We extend our deepest gratitude to the enthusiastic attendees as their presence motivates us to further explore and contribute to the cutting-edge discourse in the legal sector.

Lastly, we would like to express our heartfelt thanks to the organisers, NOMIKI BIBLIOTHIKI and their people, Juliana Berberi, Despoina Damigou and Sofia Georgopoulou for arranging this enlightening conference and allowing us to share our thoughts and insights with a receptive and passionate audience. We eagerly anticipate the opportunity to engage in more such discussions in the future.